Caring for cats is the reason why visitors to this site are looking for answers to their questions. Every day our beloved animals delight us with their attention, but we need to know what is good for them, how they behave in one situation or another, what they eat, how and what they are sick with and many more topics.

Here we try to collect as many answers to the cat's questions as possible, and you leave the pages in your bookmarks and share the information with your fellow cat-lovers.

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Random Questions

What kind of cat breeds can be found in a DNA test?
As a result of your breed test, you may be surprised to find that your pet's feline ...
How often should you feed a cat?
"From age six months to maturity, most cats will do well when fed two times a day ...
Do Scottish Fold cats shed a lot?
The color of the eyes usually matches the pattern and color of the fur. Generally, ...
How to get rid of cats in the garden?
Some organic herbal repellents for cats may include: 3. Pepper to deter cats ...
Why does my cat like to sit on the mat?
" The cat sat on the mat". Perhaps it's some sort of territorial behaviour, ...
Can a cat and raccoon breed?
It is possible for cats and raccoons to breed. Especially tame male raccoons might ...
Do cat whiskers grow back?
If a cat’s whiskers are cut, damaged, or shed naturally, they may grow back. Cat ...
Is mint bad for cats with liver disease?
This “essential oils specific to garden mint have also been known to relax the ...
Do cats grieve the death of other cats?
Cats can also grieve the deaths of other cats or humans. During these times, ...
How old do Ragdoll cats have to be to be full grown?
At full maturity, which takes place between the ages of two and four years, Ragdoll ...
What are the 4 stages of kidney disease in cats?
TABLE 2. IRIS Guidelines: Staging Feline CKD by Serum Creatinine Concentration ...
Are Siamese cats fussy about food?
Siamese cats can be fussy and may turn their nose up at a different texture of ...
Why does my cat have black Boogers on his nose?
The black boogers from your cat’s nose are not just boogers, it can signify the ...
Is it normal for my Cat to be snoring?
Vibrations and the resulting snoring are most likely to occur when the tissues ...
What is an IV catheter used for in dogs?
The IV catheter is an important access point not only for intravenous fluids, but ...
What color is a seal point Siamese cat?
A Seal Point Siamese cat has a rich, dark chocolate color of its points that ...
What are the consequences of aggressive behavior in cats?
The consequences of aggressive behavior in cats can be significant, ranging from ...
How old do cats have to be to have vestibular disease?
Acute clinical symptoms of vestibular disease usually appear in cats older than ...
What is the difference between a Molly and a Queen Cat?
Once a queen is no longer in heat, pregnant, or caring for kittens, she becomes ...
How high is too high for cats?
If your cat falls from a height of more than 10-15 feet , you should rush them ...

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