Around 14636 results for first word «why»

Questions 14611 to 14625 begin with "why"

14611. Why does my cat drink water from the faucet?
Water from the faucet might taste more "fresh" and refreshing than the water sitting ...
14612. Why is my cat not drinking like a dog?
With certain neurological issues, you can have cats that don’t drink in this neat ...
14613. Why do female cats have penile spines?
Felines, especially domestic cats, are well known for having penile spines. Upon ...
14614. Why do male cats try to Kill Kittens born to females?
But they do try to kill the kittens born due to a different male for a number of ...
14615. Why does my Tomcat attack other male cats?
Tomcats usually establish their territory and want to control it. This may be groups ...
14616. Why do cats lick you when they are stressed?
Stressed cats tend to over-groom, indeed they can wash so much that they lick bald ...
14617. Why do black smoke tabby cats have two colors?
In genetics, ‘agouti’ means that every single hair shaft owns various colors. ...
14618. Why do tabby cats have silver hair?
The silver is the equivalent effect of smoke (same gene) but for tabby cats. If ...
14619. Why does my cat have smoky hair?
Smoke and silver are caused by the same gene, the inhibitor gene I. As its name ...
14620. Why do cats have extra vertebrae?
The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae account for the cat's enhanced spinal mobility ...
14621. Why does my eye look like a cat’s?
Your doctor will call it a coloboma. When it affects your iris or pupil, your eye ...
14622. Why are the pupils of my eyes round?
The pupils of my eyes are not round, they’re more of a keyhole shape, or an upside-down ...
14623. Why is my cat marking territory?
And as we mentioned, stress can lead to a cat marking territory. In conclusion, ...
14624. Why do some people have slit pupils?
They need some way to protect their sensitive eyes in daylight, and slit pupils ...
14625. Why do predators have vertical slit pupils?
Vertical-slit pupils are most common among nocturnal predators that ambush their ...