Are Exotic Shorthair cats friendly?

Rubi Mcalister asked a question: Are Exotic Shorthair cats friendly?
Asked By: Rubi Mcalister
Date created: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 4:45 AM
Date updated: Mon, Jun 3, 2024 10:24 AM


Video answer: The Exotic Shorthair Cat: Pros And Cons

The Exotic Shorthair Cat: Pros And Cons

Best answer to the question «Are Exotic Shorthair cats friendly?»

The Exotic Shorthair is a true family cat that needs some time to warm up to strangers. Overall, there is a lot to love in the Exotic Shorthair Cat. It is kind, friendly, and affectionate without being clingy or demanding, and will make an excellent companion to a loving home. This is an affectionate and easy-going breed with a sweet temperament.

Frequently Asked Questions

Those who are looking for an answer to the question «Are Exotic Shorthair cats friendly?» often ask the following questions:

😻 What kind of cat is an Exotic Shorthair?

The adorable, personable Exotic Shorthair cat is a cross between the Persian and the American Shorthair. Friendly toward newcomers and affectionate toward family members, these cats adore their people and enjoy nothing quite so much as the attention of their human companions.

😻 What is the difference between Persian and Exotic Shorthairs?

Unlike Persians, Exotic Shorthairs have high energy levels and enjoy living with active families who can keep them entertained when they’re not being cuddled. Exotic Shorthairs are a relatively young breed, having only been in existence for the last 50 years.

    😻 Why are Exotic Shorthair so popular?

    The Exotic Shorthair is a popular and well-loved breed and with good reason. Their adorable attitude of being devoted but not over-the-top, clever but not demanding, and kind yet playful mean they’re the perfect breed for plenty of households.

      Video answer: Are exotic shorthair cats friendly?

      Are exotic shorthair cats friendly?

      Your Answer

      We've handpicked 23 related questions for you, similar to «Are Exotic Shorthair cats friendly?» so you can surely find the answer!

      What kind of cat is an Exotic Shorthair?
      The adorable, personable Exotic Shorthair cat is a cross between the Persian and the American Shorthair. Friendly toward newcomers and affectionate toward family members, these cats adore their people and enjoy nothing quite so much as the attention of their human companions.
      What breed of cat is friendliest?
      1. 1 - Persian. The highly sociable and friendly Persian cat. ...
      2. 2 - Exotic Shorthair. A silver spotted Exotic Shorthair cat brightening up the garden. ...
      3. 3 - Abyssinian. The friendly Abyssinian cat loves to interact with people. ...
      4. 4 - Burmese. ...
      5. 5 - Maine Coon. ...
      6. 6 - Ragdoll. ...
      7. 7 - Sphynx. ...
      8. 8 - Non-Pedigree Cats.
      Which type of cat is the friendliest?
      1. 1 - Persian. The highly sociable and friendly Persian cat. ...
      2. 2 - Exotic Shorthair. A silver spotted Exotic Shorthair cat brightening up the garden. ...
      3. 3 - Abyssinian. The friendly Abyssinian cat loves to interact with people. ...
      4. 4 - Burmese. ...
      5. 5 - Maine Coon. ...
      6. 6 - Ragdoll. ...
      7. 7 - Sphynx. ...
      8. 8 - Non-Pedigree Cats.
      What is the friendliest type of cat?
      1. 1 - Persian. The highly sociable and friendly Persian cat. ...
      2. 2 - Exotic Shorthair. A silver spotted Exotic Shorthair cat brightening up the garden. ...
      3. 3 - Abyssinian. The friendly Abyssinian cat loves to interact with people. ...
      4. 4 - Burmese. ...
      5. 5 - Maine Coon. ...
      6. 6 - Ragdoll. ...
      7. 7 - Sphynx. ...
      8. 8 - Non-Pedigree Cats.

      Video answer: Are exotic shorthair cats friendly?

      Are exotic shorthair cats friendly? Why are male calico cats so rare?
      • Persian. The highly sociable and friendly Persian cat.…
      • Exotic Shorthair. A silver spotted Exotic Shorthair cat brightening up the garden.…
      • Abyssinian. The friendly Abyssinian cat loves to interact with people.…
      • Burmese.…
      • Maine Coon.…
      • Ragdoll.…
      • Sphynx.…
      • Non-Pedigree Cats.
      How much are Exotic Shorthairs?
      How much does a Exotic Shorthair cat cost? Exotic Shorthair cats cost between $1,000-$5,000. How big do Exotic Shorthair cats get? Exotic Shorthair cats tend to be small in size. A fully grown Exotic Shorthair cat might weigh between 8-15 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 10"-12" inches tall.
      How much do Exotic Shorthair cats cost?
      Exotic Shorthair cats cost between $1,000-$5,000. How big do Exotic Shorthair cats get? Exotic Shorthair cats tend to be small in size. A fully grown Exotic Shorthair cat might weigh between 8-15 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 10"-12" inches tall.
      How big do Exotic Shorthair cats get?
      Exotic Shorthair cats tend to be small in size. A fully grown Exotic Shorthair cat might weigh between 8-15 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 10"-12" inches tall. How long do Exotic Shorthair cats live? The Average lifespan for Exotic Shorthair is 12-16 years.
      Which is better Scottish Fold or Exotic Shorthair?
      When considering Exotic Shorthair vs Scottish Fold, the Exotic Shorthair wins this comparison. While both cat breeds are wonderful, the Exotic Shorthair does not shed much, makes an excellent lap cat, and has a sweet personality.
      Are Exotic Shorthair cats easy to groom?
      Today, the Exotic Shorthair is one of the most popular, purebred shorthair cats—coming second only to the Persian, according to the Cat Fanciers Association. Unlike Persians, Exotic Shorthairs are extremely easy to groom.

      Video answer: Is Garfield an Exotic Shorthair? Do Exotic Shorthair cats like to be held?

      Is Garfield an Exotic Shorthair? Do Exotic Shorthair cats like to be held? What should I Feed my Exotic Shorthair?
      An Exotic Shorthair is a beautiful breed, yet the concerns of this breed are based heavily on its feeding. Due to this breed’s condition, a pet owner should always choose wet food instead of dry ones. Wet food aids an Exotic Shorthair’s chewing and swallowing. Only 20% of an Exotic Shorthair’s diet should consist of dry foods.
      What kind of cat is an Exotic Shorthair cross?
      Some experimentation with other breeds took place, but the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) acknowledged the Persian / American Shorthair crossbreed as the Exotic Shorthair in 1966. The Persian is now the only acceptable outcross breed with the Exotic Shorthair.
      What breed of cat is the best?
      The exotic shorthair is one of the best breeds to choose when you’re looking for a cat that will love to sit on your lap and cuddle. They make excellent companion cats for people who either live alone, or for families with calmer children who will give them love and affection. Exotic shorthairs are friendly cats who love to show affection.
      Are Persian cats and Exotic Shorthair cats similar?
      Two cats that often get compared are the Persian cat and the Exotic Shorthair due to their similar genetic makeup. Although the Persian cat and Exotic Shorthair are similar in a lot of ways they also differ vastly in some respects.
      What do you need to know about Exotic Shorthair cats?
      Grooming Needs of the Exotic Shorthair. The exotic shorthair is the easily groomed cousin of the Persian. Persian cats exude regal elegance, but their long coats require daily care. If you melt for the large round eyes and flat face but cringe at the extensive grooming, the exotic shorthair is your answer.
      What is the best breed of cat with short hair?
      Best Cat Breeds: With Short Hair. 1 1. Exotic Shorthair. Sometimes called “the lazy man’s Persian, an exotic shorthair cat or exotic — shares the same gentle and pleasing face of the ... 2 2. Siamese. 3 3. British Shorthair. 4 4. American Shorthair. 5 5. Abyssinian.
      Was Garfield an Exotic Shorthair?
      Garfield was an Exotic Shorthair cat! Yes, the lasagna-loving cat Garfield was an Exotic Shorthair. While this cat breed was first bred to be silver-colored, the continued breeding with only Persian cats created Exotic Shorthairs all kinds of colors.
      What kind of temperament does an Exotic Shorthair have?
      The Exotic Shorthair was said to have been created by mixing a Persian with an American Shorthair. While the Exotic Shorthair possesses a very Persian temperament, being docile and sweet, this breed is a bit more adventurous and playful due to its American Shorthair lineage.
      What kind of cat is a Scottish Fold mix?
      Foldex The Foldex is a mixed breed cat–a cross between the Scottish Fold and Exotic Shorthair breeds. These felines are known for being friendly, loving, and intelligent. You may find these cats in shelters and breed specific rescues, so remember to always adopt!
      Are there any health issues with Exotic Shorthair cats?
      In general, the Exotic Shorthair cat breed is a fairly healthy and robust cat. However, there are some particular health issues which should not be overlooked. As their snout is flat and shortened, the Exotic Shorthair can present respiratory problems typical of these types of animal breeds.
      Are Exotic Shorthair cats and Scottish Folds the same breed?
      Exotic Shorthair cats and Scottish Folds are two drastically different breeds of felines. Both of these cat breeds have different needs in terms of their health, maintenance, and personalities. The Exotic Shorthair and the Scottish Fold are both popular cat breeds.
      How much is an Exotic Shorthair?
      The cost of the breed depends on the breed, size, and temperament, and how much care is necessary. A single Exotic Shorthair can cost anywhere from $1,500 to more than $2,000. Purchasing an Exotic Shorthair kitten is a wise investment, as they’re well worth the money.
      What is the life span of an Exotic Shorthair?
      The typical exotic shorthair lifespan is about 15 years. The exotic shorthair is a relatively new breed, developed in the 1950s by crossing Persian cats with American shorthairs as well as some Russian blue and Burmese cats.

      Video answer: 7 Reasons You SHOULD NOT Get an Exotic Shorthair Cat

      7 Reasons You SHOULD NOT Get an Exotic Shorthair Cat