How much Strongid T can I give my Cat for worms?

Sabra Taber asked a question: How much Strongid T can I give my Cat for worms?
Asked By: Sabra Taber
Date created: Mon, Jul 18, 2022 12:39 PM
Date updated: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 20:36 PM


Video answer: Deworming My Foster Kittens!

Deworming My Foster Kittens!

Best answer to the question «How much Strongid T can I give my Cat for worms?»

For instance, if your cat weighs 5 pounds and the package recommends 2½ milligrams per pound, the proper dose is 12.5 milligrams. Measure the Strongid T using a syringe or the cup provided. Pour it over soft or moist cat food. Repeat the dosage in three weeks -- pyrantel pamoate kills only adult worms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Those who are looking for an answer to the question «How much Strongid T can I give my Cat for worms?» often ask the following questions:

😻 How much Strongid T can you give a 5 pound cat?

For instance, if your cat weighs 5 pounds and the package recommends 2½ milligrams per pound, the proper dose is 12.5 milligrams. Measure the Strongid T using a syringe or the cup provided. Pour it over soft or moist cat food.

😻 How do you use Strongid T to kill worms in cats?

Measure the Strongid T using a syringe or the cup provided. Pour it over soft or moist cat food. Repeat the dosage in three weeks -- pyrantel pamoate kills only adult worms. Waiting this long allows existing eggs to hatch; the second administration kills the live worms before they mature and mate.

😻 How much Strongid T oral suspension for deworming?

Just a quick question about deworming. I recently got some from the vet-- Strongid T Oral Suspension-- and the dosage has me confused and I'm wondering if it's normal. The label says 2ml per 10lbs every three months. That's it. Every dewormer I've heard about requires another dosage in a few weeks to kill off the eggs.

    Video answer: Deworming Kittens: How to have a Healthy Cat

    Deworming Kittens: How to have a Healthy Cat

    Your Answer

    We've handpicked 27 related questions for you, similar to «How much Strongid T can I give my Cat for worms?» so you can surely find the answer!

    Does Strongid help with worms in cats?
    I wish I could help more, but I found both answers in my research. my cat had worms and was given strongid at the rescue shelter. he still has diarrhea and the vet suggested he may have some other type of worm. I haven't paid to get his poo tested because he was given a generic dewormer and the strongid for the roundworms.
    Can I give my Cat Strongid-T pyrantel pamoate?
    How to Give Strongid-T Pyrantel Pamoate to a Cat. Strongid T suspension is a pyrantel pamoate made by Pfizer available over-the-counter at farm supply and pet stores. It provides treatment for common parasites that attack your furry friend such as roundworm, pinworm and hookworm.
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    Strongid T Dosage and Administration. Administer 3 mg pyrantel base per lb of body weight (6 mL Strongid T per 100 lb of body weight).
    How much Strongid T can you give a 5 pound cat?
    For instance, if your cat weighs 5 pounds and the package recommends 2½ milligrams per pound, the proper dose is 12.5 milligrams. Measure the Strongid T using a syringe or the cup provided. Pour it over soft or moist cat food.

    Video answer: Strongid

    Strongid How do you use Strongid T to kill worms in cats?
    Measure the Strongid T using a syringe or the cup provided. Pour it over soft or moist cat food. Repeat the dosage in three weeks -- pyrantel pamoate kills only adult worms. Waiting this long allows existing eggs to hatch; the second administration kills the live worms before they mature and mate.
    How much Strongid T to give a horse?
    Strongid T Dosage and Administration. Administer 3 mg pyrantel base per lb of body weight (6 mL Strongid T per 100 lb of body weight). For maximum control of parasitism, it is recommended that foals (2–8 months of age) be dosed every 4 weeks. To minimize potential hazard that the mare may pose to the foal, she should be treated 1 month prior...
    How do you give Strongid T to a kitten?
    If food covered in Strongid T is not appetizing to your cat, squirt the dose directly in his mouth on the back of his tongue using a syringe with no needle. You can give Strongid T to your kitten/cat when he reaches 6 weeks old if your vet recommends it.
    Can you use Strongid on a small animal?
    Strongid is a wormer that I use on my horses through the Spring and Summer. I can buy the strongid at the feed store which I do for my horses. The horse strongid is the same med, but a different strength. It can't be used on small animals, obviously. But my vet gives the kitty strength strongid for kittens, cats, and even our dog.
    Does Strongid kill worms in cats?
    Usually, the first Strongid dose is strong enough to kill off the worms themselves, but aren’t able to get rid of the eggs as well. Thus, it important to keep an eye on the poo until you are sure that your cat is completely clean.
    How much Strongid do I give my kitten?
    OK -- spoke with vet. today and picked-up Strongid. He recommended the kittens (3) get .50 dosage and the adults (4) get a larger dose. All should be treated since this can be transferred through sharing of litter pans. All will be treated again in 3-weeks and hopefully that will be the end of the roundworms!!

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    How to Deworm Cats Where to buy Strongid for cats?
    I can buy the strongid at the feed store which I do for my horses. The horse strongid is the same med, but a different strength. It can't be used on small animals, obviously. But my vet gives the kitty strength strongid for kittens, cats, and even our dog. (Same strength but different dose for dogs and cats.)
    How do you give Strongid T to a 5 pound cat?
    Follow the Strongid T package instructions and use the amount recommended. For instance, if your cat weighs 5 pounds and the package recommends 2½ milligrams per pound, the proper dose is 12.5 milligrams. Measure the Strongid T using a syringe or the cup provided. Pour it over soft or moist cat food.
    Can I give my Cat Strongid?
    Upon consultation with your vet, he may prescribe you Strongid for your cat. The specific dosage prescribed can vary according to individual circumstance. One dose may well be enough to end the condition. Often, vets will propose that this initial Strongid dose should be followed up after a few weeks with another.
    How often should I give my kitten Strongid?
    Pyrantel (Nemex, Strongid) is effective against roundworms and hookworms, and is safe for young kittens and pregnant queens. It should be given at intake to all cats and kittens over 2 weeks, and kittens should receive it every 2 weeks until 16 weeks of age.
    How much Strongid T oral suspension for deworming?
    Just a quick question about deworming. I recently got some from the vet-- Strongid T Oral Suspension-- and the dosage has me confused and I'm wondering if it's normal. The label says 2ml per 10lbs every three months. That's it. Every dewormer I've heard about requires another dosage in a few weeks to kill off the eggs.
    Can you use Strongid on kittens with worms?
    Hence, your kitten is possibly filled with worms when it is born. As such, Strongid is used to treat young kittens. It can also be used to treat such conditions in adult pets and is done so without a huge risk of further damage to already quite enervated pets.
    How quickly does Strongid take effect in adult dogs?
    Using Strongid. Strongid is available in tablets, suspension and an oral paste, making it easy to administer to virtually any dog or puppy. Since the medication is effective only in the intestines, it requires two doses, approximately two to four weeks apart, to ensure any migrating worms have a chance to make it to the intestines to be treated.
    Is one dose of Strongid enough for cats?
    One dose of Strongid enough for cats? I took one of my cats to the vet recently for his yearly shots/exam, and unfortunately he had roundworms. Now I'm very used to the one squirt now, one squirt in two weeks application of Strongid, so I was surprised when the vet said, "No, studies have shown that cats only need one dose.
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    Catnip is a great treat for your pet, but you’re probably wondering how much catnip to give a cat. Fortunately, the answer is simple. Cat owners don’t need to worry about how much catnip they give their cat because the feline body naturally regulates its catnip intake.
    What is Strongid T suspension for dogs used for?
    Strongid T suspension is a pyrantel pamoate made by Pfizer available over-the-counter at farm supply and pet stores. It provides treatment for common parasites that attack your furry friend such as roundworm, pinworm and hookworm. Read the manufacturer’s directions on the Strongid-T package.
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    The type of worms your dog and cat suffer from are an issue when it comes to treating one pet with medication prescribed for another. If your cat had roundworms and your dog has tapeworms your cat's medicine won't be effective in ridding your dog of the parasites no matter how well it worked for your cat.
    Is Strongid t safe for horses?
    Strongid T is a suspension that will separate during storage. It is essential that its parts be rejoined with shaking and stirring before every use. Not for use in severely debilitated animals. Not for use in animals intended for food. Strongid T does not have an effect on common horse bots.
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    It is recommended to treat your cat with Drontal every 3 months to help fight these intestinal worms. What is the Indication? Each tablet of Drontal consists of 72.6 mg of pyrantel pamoate and 18.2 mg of praziquantel.
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    Just because it’s an all-natural herb remedy doesn’t mean you can give your cat as much ginger as it will eat. Too much ginger can cause major gastrointestinal discomfort for your cat. Consult your vet and follow their recommendations for dosage.
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    You’ll need to give baby a dose of acetaminophen every four hours How often can I give my 6 month old Tylenol? You may be able to give a dose of infant Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours as needed. But you shouldn’t give more than five doses in a 24-hour period.
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    How much doxycycline can I give my cat? It is concluded that a dosage of 10 mg/kg/day of doxycycline is required to obtain effective plasma concentrations in dogs and cats for 24 hours, when this dose is administered once daily.
    What is Strongid-T for cats used for?
    It provides treatment for common parasites that attack your furry friend such as roundworm, pinworm and hookworm. Read the manufacturer’s directions on the Strongid-T package. Here' you'll find the proper dosage for your cat, according to the cat's weight.

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    Side Effects of De-Worming a Cat or Dog